Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Is Lavender Oil Good For Scars

Mostra Munch e lo spirito del Nord

Dal 25 settembre 2010 a Villa Manin (Passariano di Codroipo - Udine), si inagura una meravigliosa mostra dal nome “Munch e lo spirito del Nord“. La manifestazione aperta fino al 6 marzo del 2011 , è stata allestita con l’intenzione di mettere in evidenzae al più noto pittore scandinavo, Munch, ma anche di presentare al pubblico alcuni momenti autori fondamentali della pittura del nord europa .

Il piatto forte è costituito ovviamente da Munch, e i 40 quadri esposti ci daranno una buona panoramica di quella che fu la sua produzione artistica, e forse faranno sì che il pubblico italiano si renda realize that there is not only the famous "Scream ," but many other works, perhaps even superior to that terrible and fascinating figure.
But, as I said, the intent of the exhibition is more audacious. In addition to
Munch will in fact show the works of authors not well known in Italy, and cast a broad look at the painting of the great North. 80 paintings (among others, Ring, Philipsen, Krøyer, Hammershoi), to represent the painting in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark in the late nineteenth century.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Screenium Produktschlüssel

MARTOrun 2010 - Matthew Trombetta (add. print Pod. Amatori Pz)


On October 3, Lake Pignola Pantano will host the third edition of "Martorun", organized by the Half Marathon Podistica Amateur Power.

The machine organizations and parties for several months, but now there is to do the setup, so that the Board of Directors of the company has stepped up its meetings to prepare for the event as best as possible.

lot of news that will be displayed during the event. It will not be the only bank to keep racing road race on a day when so many other initiatives will find their rightful prominence.

To begin with we will give space to young people. Thanks to the cooperation of schools of First Instance, has been included in the program a contest for two age groups: children aged 6 - 10 years will compete over a distance of one kilometer, while those 11 to 13 it takes two.

will also set up stand manned by staff of the Center for Sports Medicine, Diabetic Association, and INAIL dall'AVIS which is also partner of the event. They will be entrusted with the difficult task of demonstrating the importance of maintaining a perfect balance between the state of health and sports activities. At this booth you can also undergo some medical specialists.

But the news are also others. For the first time in a foot race in Basilicata, the supplies will be placed near the fountains on the circuit from which will draw water from the spring of Fossa Cupa that will be distributed to athletes in biodegradable cups provided Aqueduct Lucan.

Sport, environment and culture are the principles on which it was decided to build this day.

The salt in this soup will put the athletes through their stubbornness racing.

Friday, September 24, 2010

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RUN AND WIN TROPHY 2nd LILT - Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pignola Al Pantano (Pz) were about 300 participants at the 2nd trophy lilt footrace organized by the Italian League Against Cancer Potentino.
Many companies present More than 150 registered athletes competed in the racing over a distance of 12 km (2 laps of the lake Pantano). Present
the Olympic potentino Donato Sabia, who expressed great satisfaction for participating in this initiative.
President Lilt Potenza said that the Village of prevention "set up in 11 and 12 showed more than a hundred visits to specialists pulmonologists and instrumental tests. He won the race
Donato spout Scotellaro Matera with a time of 38 '50 ".
Within the women's race was won by Rosa Lucheni Sassi of Matera Two GS with a time of 51' 02".
The company with the highest number of athletes was Podistica Amatori Potenza.

Per visualizzare la classifica premi sul seguente link: http://www.fidalbasilicata.it/Risultati/2010/PIGNOLA12.09.2010.htm

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Shopping Autoradio Per Macchina

The Unbearable Love in the Time ....

I woke up late As usual at this time. The time has really changed now, and really reached the autumn, with its gray skies and gloomy. And I'm becoming ever more metereopatico. In the past half-sleep ominous night, shaking the sheets warm, I thought.
A woman bends to pick the potatoes, with its long skirt, heavy in summer. Run away home, going up the slope. Prepares food for his large family, for other farmers who came to help in the fields, for the neighbors who are digging as well. Cica 30 people, and she does everything by itself. The massive body certainly does not abandon it, but felt now was no longer a girl, the pain is felt, the deformed body after 9 parts. At 40 years old. Prepares bundles, traces the way, comes in the fields, is all sweaty, hairy men. The husband continued to the apostrophe. "Bring the wine!" or "bread of La Mancha." And she jumps from side to side, with her skirt swinging, with baskets on their heads and arms. Nothing can help her daughter, the only child died two days after being born. The others are already working in the fields, even at 8 years. In the evening slumped on the dilapidated mattress has brutally and her husband, in addition to meeting the obligations of marriage, think of things to do the next day. But I also think of a husband who does not love anymore, or maybe he never loved, a life decent but hard, tough, feral. Sighs, shakes her shoulders, her husband already Russian. It 's so it should be, this is how God wants, wife and mother. Point.
Now in our days, marriages akin minimum thresholds to be reached historical records. Maybe they're all happy, maybe they are all happier, or freer? My father says that we the youth of today are weak, we are unable to continue a marriage. And perhaps ineffective coexistence is just a situation of convenience, it makes everything easier. As long as there is love, is when there is love, everything ends. We are weak. Previous generations clutching his back, shoulders large, who have endured so much, and were forward. Now the minimum argument, the story ends. But where the real freedom, where the love? Before or after?

Friday, September 17, 2010

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BANTINE NIGHT - September 5, 2010

Le strade del centro storico di BANZI (PZ) illuminate da tantissime fiaccole hanno ospitato la 1^ edizione della " Notturna BANTINA " , manifestazione podistica di Km. 10.00 , un’occasione per l’ Asd Genzano on The Road di mettersi ancora una volta in evidenza dopo il successo della “6 Ore dei Templari” svoltasi nel mese di maggio.

Sono circa 100 gli atleti che hanno preso parte alla gara valida come prova del Basilicata in Corsa 2010.

L´A.S.D. Genzano on The Road avvalendosi Friends of the collaboration of volunteers, has managed to create a sporting event the original nighttime, where the core values \u200b\u200band fundamental sports join together as volunteers and help to live a special day of sport, where it becomes a pleasure and emotion only the fact of being there.

Donato Becca (Pol Scotellaro Matera) in the men's and Rosa Lucheni (GS Two Sassi Matera) for females have won the position of the pool "BANTINE Night" held Sunday, September 5, 2010.

true soul of the race was Irene FRANCULLI (president of ASD Genzano on The Road) and his team have studied in detail the organization.

Here are the final standings.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Payer For The Faithful In Wedding

Solitude of Prime Numbers

never experienced so much anxiety and physical pain watching a movie. I could not sit still in the easy chair in the cinema. From the beginning the music explodes from the connotations of horror, strong, intense, vigorous, stir masks, monsters, dark lights, fog. Chaos, anxiety, pathos, breathless sighs. The story of two peers
Mattia and Alice, two prime numbers, lonely by definition, destined to never meet. Two dramas behind: he abandons his sister in a park late to go to the party of his classmate, she returned from a skiing accident remains lame for life. He has self-destructive tendencies, introverted and silent, you become anorexic and with a large scar that reminds him every day the cause of his illness. Meet, even if not actually need each other: neither can do anything for each other. Are not resolved, are not practical. However, from their first meeting will be forever entwined in the life of each other, growing together, never misses, spoke little, capendosi only with their looks. Two parallel universes, incomprehensible to the outside world, including the family, but do not live far away. But also by neighbors will always be alone.
A praise goes to director Saverio Costanzo for being able to translate the book of Jordan in an exceptional manner. Rare case where I may have appreciated the film more. The music and silences, shadows and glare, and the sudden landscape shots. Everything implies its opposite, creating effects of tension, suspension and a real pain. All exemplifies the travails of two young lives, essential to both. Superb performances by Alba Rohrwacher (Alice) and Luca Marinelli (Matt) much appreciated theater actors who have had to experience nearly pain of their characters on their body slimming the first and fattening him. Mortified body, containing two wounded souls read, sad and lonely, for a chase for eternity without ever being able to embrace, knowing that one lives only with each other.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

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Smoking and stars

There's nothing to do, are fascinating. All that was inaudible, incomprehensible and unapproachable fascinating. The cigarette is consumed, the smoke rises elegantly spinning, and you stay there, good good, unpretentious, almost without thinking. Are you just turn them off by looking at the starry sky, without asking anything to anyone, in one of those moments where you're comfortable with yourself in silence, without telling you anything, not wanting you to hear. It continues to follow the gray circles of smoke rising in silence. Suddenly, a glow you see with one eye. There is no doubt it is a shooting star, so, without notice, in the September sky (well ok, you expect that you made a phone call first to alert?!? idiot!). And then you wonder as a child and would like to shout: "There!" - But then ventures, "It's ok, I express that cost me." Lathes not in your thoughts and your cigarette. Smoke rises and your eyes are fixed on top. I see another wonderfully, a trail of powerful, light, regal! Then do the sborone finds expression and say the same desire and if I see another will come for sure. And you're there, the cold of the night on the face. Wait. Draw. You throw the butt, and scrutinize them carefully. Now it is a matter of principle. Then you realize the shit you're doing and the cold you are taking. Enter slam the shutters and put you to bed. "And if not now be realized because of me?" - "What if when I turned my back was the fall?" - "How 'bout being so damn naive and romantic?"

Friday, September 3, 2010

How Much Is A Beer At The Jumeirah Beach Hotel



in collaboration with the City of Banzi organize the "Night BANTINE 2010"


-road running race reserved for athletes cat. Amateur-Master on the distance of about 10.00 km valid for the circuit''STROKE''Basilicata.


The race will take place Sunday, Sept. 5 in Banzi with departure and arrival square Gianturco, on an urban route entirely closed traffic of about 10.00 km to be held in 5 rounds.

the judges and competitors meeting is scheduled at 18:00 on the streets Gianturco and departure date will be at 19:30 with all weathers.


are allowed in the race all the athletes and members of its affiliated companies to comply with the membership FIDAL in 2010, and the registered athletes with other sports federations and bodies to promote sports, always up to date with the 2010 membership . Are allowed to race Ateleta from other region. The race is expected that athletes who are not registered, provided at registration to submit a photocopy of the medical certificate agonistica e sottoscrivano il tesserino giornaliero F.I.D.A.L con l’aggiunta di euro 5,00 al costo dell’iscrizione.


Le iscrizioni dovranno pervenire entro le 18:00 del 2 SETTEMBRE 2010 all’indirizzo di posta elettronica eneri11@hotmail.it. Gli iscritti riceveranno una mail di ritorno per avvenuta conferma dell’iscrizione.

per ulteriori informazioni utili sul regolameto consultare il sito ufficiale fidal

o chiamare ai seguenti numeri :

347/1813383 (IRENE)

329-3778699 (LUCIA)

328-5397428 (VITO)

Ferret Exersize Balls

2010 - August 28, 2010

Around 100 participants, including marathon and half marathon that Saturday, August 28, 2010, have traveled the beautiful village nestled in the heart of the Apennine. New this year the inclusion of a half and starting the afternoon of Saturday ... guess your choice of whole town ... Just over 3 km to be repeated 6 or 12 times depending on the distance that chose to run, he raced to assign the title of Fidal provincial champion and the title of regional champion Uisp marathon.

Departure down (the opposite direction compared to previous years) for more than a kilometer and a half to go up slightly to 400m, then down to 600 meters, at the end of the descent of the most difficult point of the race, 300 meters of breathtaking ascent (17% grade) about 1000m and then down between light and falsopiano ... now tested and efficient service collect race, a good paccogara and an abundant food service during the race (bottle of water, apples, watermelon, bananas, tea and cola).
Departure at 17.30, good weather conditions, temperature about 25 º, sin only for the overlap of other races who have not allowed many athletes in the province Foggia enjoy this successful event .......

Thanks to all the athletes who competed in the Sant'Agata di Puglia, a special thanks to Denise for its beautiful and numerous pictures.

on marathon runners over the unruly province of Foggia, have honored the city with their presence and supermaratoneti Dauna many runners from all over Italy. To signal the presence of Ulderico Lambertucci supermaratoneta known to have traveled a journey on foot from his city to Beijing.
To note the presence of: Angela Gargano, Vito still Piero, Lorenzo Gemma, Francesco Capecchi, Renato Narcisi, Alberto Fusari e tanti altri .

La Maratona è stata dominata e vinta da Massimo Termite  (Barletta Sportiva) che ha concluso con il tempo di 3h05'21'' aggiudicandosi così anche la maglia di campione regionale di maratona Uisp .
Tra le donne sulla lunga distanza ha primeggiato Alessandra Camassa (Cus Lecce) vincendo con il tempo di 4h20'54''.

Ad indossare la maglia di campionessa regionale di maratona Uisp è stata Anna Maria Brunetti (Avis Mola di Bari), figlia d'arte essendo il papà Vitantonio un instancabile maratoneta.

La Maglia di campione provinciale di maratona Fidal went to Michael Calabrese (Stracagnano ASD) which achieved a superb fifth place overall.

To cut the ribbon for the first half marathon was Fabio Ricci (Army GS) with a time of 1h27'12''.

Among women has imposed Frank Armitage (DLF Foggia) 1h.49 in '50.'' Good

the participation of athletes in middle Santagatese with second place won by Giuseppe Marchitelli.

Satisfied organizers and local authorities - already thinking, x the future edition, to include a 6 hours.

To view videos of the race click on the link: http:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTWOMB4T9jc and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkQAN5rrv50

The rankings are available in the book.