Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hindu Wedding Decor Templates

Power Half Marathon - March 6, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011 we held the "City of Power Half Marathon Tune-Up," Memorial "Gigi Chiriaco - Trofeo AVIS" The Heart Project "by the Cultural Borgo Antico Portasalza.

The event is part of the project Tune-Up (stages of training for the Marathon of Rome ").

The departure took place at 9.45 am from Pretoria Street, in front of Piazza Mario Pagano.

The departure area is located in the heart of the ancient town of Potenza, in front of the magnificent Teatro Stabile, the center of the city regional capital highest in Italy (about 819 meters above sea level).

This year has been mentioned the figure of Chiriaco Gigi, who died April 30, 2008 at the age of 49 years, former Councillor for Sports of power.

The City of Power hosted two important events in athletics: the Half Marathon of 21.097 km, starting and ending in Piazza Mario Pagano, the MARATHON departing from Piazza Mario Pagano and arrive in Viale Dante (Arc ARRIVAL and Refreshment of the Half Marathon).

The event is included, even for 2011, the Project TUNE-UP, step approach of a great Italian classic of running the "Marathon of Rome of 20 March 2011.

The "Half Marathon City of Power" is an event for all those who love travel, sports, nature and the ancient villages just that: it was an event that made a living wonderful day of sport through the race.

107 athletes finishers of the Half Marathon and 20's came in the race of 10 km, 10 km while the numbers are unchanged from the previous edition, the Half Marathon there was a large decrease in participants, in fact the 'edition 2010 has seen about 138 arrived.

The 21km is very hard as demonstrated by the altitude, is not a long race such as the Roma-Ostia, I consider it a good 30 km long by about three weeks to go before a marathon.

Unfortunately, the path is not completely closed to traffic, there were some moments in Via Cavour after the 16 km where the density of the moving car was high and several runners have run the slalom to find the best trajectory to go.

On the Half Marathon in the men's triumphs Donato Becca (Pol.Rocco Scotellaro Matera) con il tempo di 1h e 10’ circa 3’e 20” a Km. Tra le donne primeggia Luisa CORSO (Libertas Atl. Lamezia) con il tempo di 1h 29’ circa 4’ e 14” a Km.

Sulla 10 km in campo maschile affermazione di Abdelhafid ET TIBI (Libertas Atl. Lamezia) con il tempo di 37’ e 39”, in campo femminile vince Margherita PERRETTI (US_ACLI - A.S.D. BORGO ANTICO PORTASALZA) con il tempo di 53’ e 01”.

Visulizza tutti i risultati nella rubrica classifiche.

Letter Announcing New Doctor

Love Actually (i do not know it)

Ebbene sì! Il week end depression style sta davvero andando alla grande. Passo le mie giornate tra il cibo, la voce di Adele, le puntate di Will&Grace, il gelato e piccole faccende domestiche. Ovviamente di studiare non se ne parla proprio, neanche la pura finzione per autoconvincersi di aver aperto libro. No nemmeno quella!
E poi la sera, per rincompensarmi di cotanto sforzo giornaliero mi stravacco nel letto e mi guardo un bel filmazzo. La scelta stasera è caduta su Love actually, un film del 2003, che avevo già visto ma che non ricordavo quasi per niente. Anche perchè la prima volta che lo portai tutto contento alla mia famiglia come film di Natale dell'anno, da vedere tutti insieme la sera del 25 (dopo essere satolli al punto di vomitare), appare una scena di accoppiamento che dura alcuni minuti, e mi padre travestitosi da Catone il Censore, afferma "Forse è meglio chiudere!", per non turbare l'incorrotta vista di mio fratello. E difatti di quel film mi ricordavo solo i primi 5 minuti.
Vicende familiari a parte: il film è molto bel costruito e assolutamente godibile. Ci vuole grande maestria nel gestire 10 mini storie che s'intrecciano fra loro, accomunate tutte dalla tematica dell'amore, intesa diveramente in ogni storia; e poi un cast d'eccezione. Sul godibile aprirei una parentesi lunga un post! Godibile un corno! Godibile forse per due fidanzatini che lo guardano sorridendo, dall'alto della loro condizione di intoccabilità, perchè felici love, perhaps lying on a couch and wrapped in a tender and soft blankets. Enjoyable for a group of friends half drunk! But not for me shit!
I have heard several times tonight as the fat and pimples that American films are filled up with ice cream strictly fish with a spoon directly into the jar from a kilo! The ingredients were all there: the film was almost Christmas, which already can make you cry, there were beautiful songs, and I say 10 and 10 stories, it is impossible not to find one that vaguely resembles yours. Yes they are not "British Prime Minister, or stand in a porno, and I have a brother who calls me crazy to wonder if Bon Jovi or the Pope could make him an exorcism, but yes, I admit, some details concerning me terribly.
And damn, lousy, hopeless romantic and sentimental in me that we were missing just began to cry, even with scenes do not think the tears. What an idiot!
Perhaps it's that I let go of this parallel world that forces me to live! Seeeeeee .... but it's so beautiful! I can only hope that one day some movie scene I can make them in life! I'm really pathetic I know. "Love is all around you !"..... but where ????????

Friday, March 11, 2011

Free Nautic Star Tattoo Designs

Title trivial, banal post! With several years of delay I finally decided a vedere questo film. Ho trovato la serata mediamente depressa, il raffreddorino impertinente che mi ottura le vie respiratorie e 2 e passa di tempo a disposizione. Gli elementi c'erano tutti.
Non starò qui a raccontarvi la trama del film, molti di voi la conosceranno già. Una melodia assolutamente agrodolce, ma incantevole fa da colonna sonora a questo lunghissimo-metraggio. Paesaggi da favola, situazioni estreme, bellezza delle persone e degli incontri.
Bisogna essere completamente pazzi per scappare da questa società malata, senza remore, senza indugi, senza ripensamenti. Bisogna essere anche egoisti certo, per ricercare la propria compiutezza, il proprio senso nel mondo. Per cercarlo, bisogna scappare from everything that distracts us in our research, the skyscrapers, watches, money, malice, and trains.
Ok, risky, courageous, but comfortable in the end, no?
At the end of his life, died of exhaustion, hunger, cold, intoxicated, Chris / Alex finds its meaning, its essence, rather, his in-the-world. When he dies, however, understands. So what effect these have had his two years of desperate and frantic search? What have served all these efforts and sacrifices?
fact this is not very meaningful for me, although I admit that over time out of this fucking stereotypical routine corrupt and sick society, is a boccata d'ossigeno rivitalizzante.
Il contatto diretto con la natura, con la terra che ci ha generato, ha da sempre un sapore di rito; una forza travolgente, ancestrale, che ci ricollega a millenni di storia in un battito di ciglia. Quella vitalità proveniente da ogni muschio, da ogni corteccia, da ogni fruscio, odore, passo, scricchiolio, colore s'impossessa del nostro corpo come un orgasmo incandescente. Ma non basta.
Anche lui se ne è accorto: tutte le persone incontrate lungo il cammino, gli sguardi incrociati, i sorrisi scambiati, sono quelle le cose che ti permettono di comprendere a fondo il tuo posto nel mondo. L'andamento ciclico del cosmo assume senso solo grazie al fatto che ci troviamo a contatto con altre persone: tutto quello che noi possiamo dare a loro e loro a noi, beh questo è il senso, questa è la felicità. Ed infatti tra i frammenti dei suoi pensieri trovati vicino al suo corpo esanime, Chris/Alex scriveva: "La felicità è autentica solo se condivisa", e credo che volesse dire proprio questo. Possiamo vivere le vite di ogni giorno into the wild, basta volerlo.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Birthday Cake Ideas For Runners

Marathon of Verdi's land - February 27, 2011

Arrival Busseto striking the notes of the master Giuseppe Verdi, this is' the best memory of the 14th edition of the Marathon of Verdi's land that was held Sunday, February 27, 2011. There was also the Salsa FIDENZA (10 km), the sauce-FONTANELLATO (21km) and a nice 30 km from FIDENZA to BUSSETO, over 1600 runners on the 4 races Parma.
With the President of the Athletics GS Stracagnano Pasquale Giuliani before departure we found shelter from the snow and the cold temperature (about 1 degree) in the Palazzo dei Congressi in Salsomaggiore.
All runners looking clothing best to address the race - we knew that after the first 10 km , a quota più bassa avremmo trovato ancora maltempo. Ormai siamo qui, con l'amico Antonio RICCUCCI, abbiamo percorso più di novecento kilometri non possiamo avere certamente ripensamenti, è una gara programmata già da tempo.In tema di programmazione e per ingannare il tempo durante il percorso Antonio pensa già alla prossima Maratona a Roma, io invece ho intenzione di disputare la mia prima edizione della Milano Marathon.

Qui di seguito i primi classificati nelle varie gare:

Maratona maschile Antonio Armuzzi 2 h 28’ 33
Maratona femminile Ilaria Bianchi 2 h 45’ 39

Half Marathon Men Yassine El Fathaoui 1 h 10 '01
Half Marathon women Simonetta Magnani 1 h 24' 11 30 km
female Donatella Win 1 h 54 '59 men's 30 km
Peter Cabassi 1 h 41' 58
Handbiker Athos Libanore 1 h 21 '33
Roller Cristiano Baska 1 h 36' 21-
Salso Bicester male Eyob Fanile Ghebrehivet 30 '26-
Salso Bicester female Gisella Locard 35'26

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Need Money Desperately

37th Ostia February 27, 2011 Marathon runners

The Amateur Podistica power could not fail to respond to the first real big international competition del 2011.
La Roma – Ostia è da sempre un forte richiamo per i podisti di tutto il mondo e quest’anno ha fatto segnare il record di iscrizioni: 11.566 atleti. Fra essi è stata presenta la compagine potentina che non ha mancato di far sentire il suo ruggito sulla gara.
Lo scenario della competizione è suggestivo, di quelli dalle tante sfaccettature.
Si parte dall’Eur fra gli altissimi palazzi dell’epoca fascista che fanno da corollario ai laghetti. Dopo quattro chilometri si prende la via del mare dove i pini secolari sembrano sorvegliare e proteggere dall’alto quel fiume variopinto di atleti che invadono la Cristoforo Colombo. Dopo sedici chilometri il mare, miraggio dei podisti that are beginning to see the longed period of arrival. Half a mile of waterfront to go at full speed while consuming the last bit of energy and then the finish line.
A race fast, beautiful, the kind that take your breath away when you reach the limits of its capacity. This limit
have achieved all the athletes of the Amateur Podistica power, so that the result of each of them was absolutely important. All have gone beyond all expectations, as the beginning year of racing you could not wish for better.
The captain's armband for the occasion had been entrusted to the young Antonio Boccia, which has honored the best. By the time hour twenty-seven minutes and fifty seconds was the best team in Potenza. For the occasion, he has established his own record on the twenty-one kilometers.
Peter De Stefano same satisfaction that an hour and thirty-one is improved by two minutes.
Even in women, the team of President Albano has achieved a good result. The dance done to stop the clock one hour and forty-two.
However, all participants in the trip have honored the commitment Roman fisando the right plugs for a continuation of season that will be rewarding. We are confident that in 2011 each of the hundred enrolled in the Running Potenza will not fail his commitment and his sweat to best represent the colors of the company Running sample of Basilicata. Matthew Trombetta

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mount Blade The Wedding Dance Tutorial Cheat

Gaepanzattack Into the wild: 61 Festival of Italian Song - Final

E la tanto attesa finalissima è arrivata. Pare che l'Italia si sia fermata per una settimana, o per lo meno è quello che è successo a me. La vivo sempre intensamente, forse troppo.
Not much to say tonight, the worst is past!
Our team is now loose and uninhibited. Even in the awkwardness in the myriad of gaffes and errors of management. There is a song that I can present a dignified, there is no time the two tissues are not taken to suggest things in your ear. Technicians who pass, Pater Gianni forgets everything, but everything around. Luca and Paul really saved tonight. There is decent and comical. Luca mainly. I sympathize with all the fees that you can enjoy tomorrow! Despite the storm-
-televoting vote this afternoon that led to winning Roberto Vecchioni, guess who won: Roberto Vecchioni ! The most acclaimed of the first night, even by critics and orchestra, it is confirmed the winner of this 61st edition of the Italian Song Festival. The song (who followed me will know) I have never made a fool, a little too much rhetoric in the text and a little too commonplace in rhythm. But for goodness sake, if Prof. deserve victory (the speech made before the last exhibition devoted to 'love' of the song will bring more votes?). In spite of the De Filippi, Amici, the songs for girls menstruating, the repechage unworthy (see Al Bano) and the Golden Share (the mechanism of this year was more complex than the rules of a game of chess for the blind!).
has captured all: 1st prize, critical, and indeed the Golden Share (a sort of wildcard that can scale a position in the provisional standings, useless to him who was already on the podium of the three finalists), just as the Gualazzi night before.
could be a nice message for Italy: a talented young jazz musician and a fine songwriter elderly, in the two respective categories. A perfect match, a good signal (maybe) shooting of Italian music.
Runner Modà and Emma with the third or Al Bano.
shame that there were no podium or Nathalie Crush, the best performances of this festival (also Ferreri and the Van de Sfroos I liked the end, but after 5 days and then all the love for power [Tatangelo in part]!).
For the remainder of the evening took place quietly, too: the performances of the singers finish at 22 and 30. Since then, all fillers. International Speaker
none other than that Avril Lavigne . I would not be too brutal, so I contain it, but I tell you 26 years and then clothes, singing and posing as a 26 year old, you have no more !!!!!! 17 A painful song, which definitely was not felt the need for the international stage and a voice so shrill to want to change the channel (of course I did not do it!).
I think that instead of the one hosted Massimo Ranieri The one and only, is worth all the super reviews of previous nights. Wonderful as always, gives us with a good pater Gianni remake of their old songs. A good time, exciting.
Worthy of note are lines of Luke and Paul addressed to the Italian left, the men left and to the ideals of the left, sometimes too much abused and not included in the fund. A bit 'shabby bipartisan satire of this thing, and that Luke does not tell me that he says what he thinks of such a satire and did not give give a fuck! Meanwhile, to come in from Mediaset and RAI should be licking a lot '!
Canalis also does a pretty good ballettino Rodriguez and sings in a pleasant (to be "a model and showgirl Argentina, occasionally also an actress and TV presenter "as Wikipedia says!) Accompanied by his musician father.
Then a slew of advertising next to the various programs including the RAI fiction with Giulio Scarpati and Nino Frassica and Dancing with the stars with the beautiful Milly Carlucci (me I wonder what to expect to have a festival to the queen!).
Here's the gist of this evening that seemed the most amateur of the whole Festival: total anarchy, every man did what he wanted, people here and there , zero suspense in the ceremony. In short, a festival that although he had some good plays, it gave us a beautiful example of professional conduct and smooth. But maybe that's why we keep a vederlo anno dopo anno. Questo cambio di conduzione annuale incuriosisce tutti noi, che aspettiamo l'inciampata di una, la gaffe dell'altro e l'errore di quello. E per questo ci è piaciuta la 61° edizione: spontaneità, ingenuità, politically correct (troppo), amatorialità. Un spettacolino di fine anno. Però ci siamo affezionati, e l'eterno ragazzo che portava il latte tale si è dimostrato: uno di noi. Che popolo contorto noi italiani!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can A Felon Own A Bow

Gaepanzattack: 61 Festival of Italian Song - Fourth night

E che dire signori, ormai siamo nel vivo della gara! Ormai siamo tutti una squadra, una famiglia! Si riesce a passare sopra a tutti gli incovenienti, a tutta la cattiva organizzazione, a tutti gli strafalcioni e le gaffes. Vorrei già vivere con loro, con tutti e 5. Non c'è una canzone che venga presentata senza intoppo o errori. Sono lontane ormai le presentazioni integerrime del Pippo nazionale.
La serata si apre a suon di valzer tra la Canalis e la Rodriguez (che per l'occasione si è trasformata in una Barbie) e tra tutta la gente fuori dall'Ariston. Microfoni sempre accesi, anche dietro le quinte, in questa semifinale dove trionfano i duetti. In assoluto è la serata del Festival (in generale) che preferisco!
Dopo i convenevoli e le belle parole, parte la gara.
I primi a salire sul palco sono Barbarossa e Alonsa , che nonostante un semi-godibile siparietto con Marcorè (I hope they have paid, and so, to convince him to "duet" with the worst ever), do not give us a good time. The song is what it is (up up up in the sky, down down down into the sea but how do you !........ ????????). Then
Crush , whose "I confess" I love you now, along with a whitish Nina Zilli, one of 50,000 tears. Beautiful duet, bravo! The
fished Anna D'Alessio we smash the drums along with a co ...., 'other exhausted, the polymorphous Loredana error (strange marriage XFactor / Friends). Choice bastard.
Lillo and Greg delight us with a rather hilarious performance along with Pezzalotto , which wears a tuxedo for the occasion (the have abolished this?). Transform "the first time the song" in a rousing swing, and then return to harsh reality in the "second time" 883iano.
Tricarico for his rhyme uses a choir of children, ch certainly can sing better than him. And
'time of international guests.
enters an exuberant but very listless Monica Bellucci, which responds to non-intelligent questions of John Pater, who in the throes of an overload of testosterone tries to hug and touch, and secure states, "I'd do everything. " With international
Monicona lying on the couch came a now old and tired De Niro. He also appears listless and put them by accident. Idly responding to questions more stupid than John, tonight is really over-excited (having regard to the plays of yesterday maybe), and which therefore can be forgiven for everything tonight. You would want to hug him and kiss him, so much smiling and cheerful.
advertise the film as he sees as both star actors, Manual of Love 3 (Giovanni Veronesi), in cinemas soon. Continue the double meaning of pimp Gianni, who asks Monica characteristics that fascinates in a man: response to "the look", the eternal young man says, "If it's just for the look then we can do something. "Among the general laughter, the laughter and scorn of the two star but unworthy ends this lovely interview.
resumed the race with a more sexy Giusy Cashier accompanied by Francesco Sarcina Vibration (submitted as Sarcina by Canalis, quickly remedied by the made in Italy, Belen just got slap on the wrist!). Bel duet entries decided song more and more involving.
It 's the time of the trio Sicilian Madonia / Battiato / Carmen Consoli . She, in addition to the nauseating pink guitar, and not disappoint my expectations by far more the performance. Battiato, as usual, comes from stars, before the bridge, with its inseparable headphones and mutters something. The voice is trembling now, but it's still fascinating. The song is pretty.
include a change of scene and the other engineers across the stage not caring for the cameras, but now we lovers of the 61st Festival pass over all. We like it that way, informal and disorganized. One end of spattacolino school year.
comes the most beautiful duet of the evening: Nathalie with Aura, who with her delicate voice and purpose, contributes to a performance that truly rocks. Brave indeed. Back
de Niro, more annoyed than ever, perhaps because he knows that it expects the interview in broken English of Canalis. There is talk of this and that, in the name of nazionalpopolarità (original surname Di Niro, changed then landing in America in De Niro of his fathers [and to the people?], the film that is more connected, the European blood flowing in his veins, and various crap). Legendary Gianni when he asks as we say in English "Taxi Driver"? I love it!
In the presentation of prof. Vecchioni accompanied by PFM , Luke and Paul on the occasion to do their best wishes to their fellow De Andrè (which would have turned 71 years old), and we associate ourselves. Give us another great performance: a different musicality, more colorful rhythm to that of PFM, which also allows me to appreciate a bit 'more of the text (which fund I still banalotto). The most talked about of the year
group arrives in Sanremo: the Take That in full force, with a strafattissimo Robbie Williams (among other things, it seems that, in the afternoon, Pater Gianni has hauled them because it comes with 20 tests minutes late). Discrete performance, vented Robbie, Gary with a crop that rivals Gualazzi and others to pretend to sing. But I'm getting them! Another beautiful performance
succeed give the dialettofono Van de Sfroos with that funny guy in Irene Fornaciari (dressed by Miss Banana Ciquita!). Rhythms Mexicans / Cubans who make me better appreciate the song. Tonight I'm good. Even
of Luke and Paul seem almost comic tonight compete in a parody of "One in a thousand stand it" of their employer, the butt of consumer jokes and urging opposition to soon find a good leader, before Berlusconi takes the lead PD also profess themselves communist. Bold galore.
Placido , he inevitably starpagato to sing with Al Bano , better acting. Amanda did not take it anymore, and neither do we. Latest fashion with the
Emma accompanied by the beautiful voice of Renga (I take this opportunity to make an appeal: Who says a Renga can not write the songs alone, and that his voice is wasted those texts so vapid?). However beautiful performance, high notes like rain!
Esibitisi all Big is the turn of young people: Micaela first (attack of his song is the same as "I do not believe in miracles" of Bono, but still has a beautiful voice to the emotion does not control and repeatedly appears shaky and uncertain), then Gualazzi Raphael, the man crop, wonderful candidate to win (but powerful voice not used with great skill, when you need it and scratched the final falsetto infinity); onstage Roberto Amde (us) on which I should not say anything at all, and finally my darling Serena Abrami, which confirms good, delicate and elegant, and a text worthy of his voice. Le Iene
ridestatesi from the torpor of the first two episodes give us another curtain: over a bottle of wine to play chess and discuss the events of the premier, embodying the common feeling of the typical Italian, cheat and cheat, that justifies all the flaws of powerful (so it feels entitled to them too!). Well done, nothing to criticize (the most of Paul's hair). And after
Canalis has delighted us with his vast knowledge of the language (of prepared questions), the Rodriguez enchants us with Perfidia accompanied by dancers (always a thousand friends, Valerio Pino in the first [of the tentacles of Mary !!!]) all sorts and not cavandosela not bad in the song (certainly better than Patty Pravo).
The evening ends with the awarding of Rapahel Gualazzi that grabs with "Madness of Love" the first prize in the youth category and the critics' award Mia Martini. Deserved! My only regret is that Abraham is finished fourth. And oh well. Of the big
leave the race and Max Pezzali Tricarico, smoking and children have no pity on the audience and jury, whose decision was predominant value tonight. The family
/ disorganized team (of whose gaffes Strip and Paperissima field to life!) Wishes us good night and meet us tomorrow as Morandi is a trip in the lush bosom of Belen, in an awkward embrace. We are united, advertising.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wikipedia: Brazillian

Gaepanzattack: 61 Festival of Italian song - Second evening

following the successful elimination (for now) ex-girlfriend of the suburbs, now a woman (Tatangelo) and Albanian from the confused thoughts (Oxa), we promises a second evening of the good music all Italian! Yes, of course, if you remove other seven or eight of them!
Against my prophecy, the ratings surpassed those of the first night of Antonellinazionale. Merit Gianni, songs, the (show) girls? Okay curiosity led them to the Italian press that button and stay glued in front of the screen throughout the evening. Maybe sleeping, but tuned.
Controversy aside: the show begins with a wonderful transposition of the Disney animated feature "Fantasia", with the conductor (but his teeth?) In the guise of the apprentice sorcerer, committed to driving music, lights and dancers.
Pater Gianni enters into a ball, a ball better (iconization of his Festival?). Worthy of respect and wonder is the set of the now unreachable Castelli.
first enter the tissues, valleys ops, ops co-presenters, are polished and brilliant as ever. If you do not do this! The boys arrive later tonight, but maybe not a bad thing. Reservoir Dogs compete in a medley of Morandi songs, which is nice. The
run, however, is more relaxed than yesterday, everyone seems a tad bit more capable, the rest are a team. Leitmotiv is pounding, "remain united", also used as a signal to send the advertising director, "we wait for the sound," the jury voted. "
The musical content is of course always the one the night before.
The playback, however, has lead to a further awareness: the song of Patty (called "Bravo" to Paul, or Luke, the highest short!) Is not bad but she is not addressed, off-key start to finish , despite the undeniable charm, that of Nathalie , despite a text a little convoluted, it reconfirms the original and delicate Madonia / Battiato we like, and the song well; Van de Sfroos seems more and more equal to Modena City Remblers; Pezzali does not know how to dress; Al Bano in my opinion falls a bit 'in the ridiculous Tricarico can not sing, standing ovation for Vecchioni, not too well deserved, as the text, despite having a life and an important message, is expressed in a way to say very trivial, and Emma Modà seem to mate on the stage; Barbarossa and his wife (Stone) Alonso = NC; of Crush I get sick il ritornello, e riconfermo l'aura retrò; la Ferreri ogni tanto non ci arriva.
In mezzo a questa turba di menestrelli arriva il grande Andy Garcia , il motivo della cui presenza appare ancora oscuro ai più (l'anno scorso a quell'ora c'era Rania di Giordania e la Clerici le chiedeva la ricetta dei biscotti, trash puro!). Dopo un'intervista inutile, si cimenta al piano in una ballata dai ritmi cubani (sua terra d'origine, richiedendone la libertà!). Parte quello che dovrebbe essere un duetto, ma l'attacco di Gianni è a dir poco imbarazzante: sbaglia tutto il testo spagnolo producendo un cacofonico ed esilarante scioglilingua. E tra un " bombo " ripetuto ad libitum, una sculettata Belen ending the most beautiful moment of the evening. While Hurley flaunts
broken English (note the alliterazione!), The curtain Luca & Paul reveals the most embarrassing ever. Pretend (safe?) Make fun of the good turn Saviano, and Santoro also Fini, Cordero di Montezemolo and the Pope, while the background dominates the spectrum of Berlusca. Avoidable and servile scene. The Rodriguez sings "Malo", all based on Latin rhythms this year!
I will not dwell on the other star (?) International Eliza Doolittle because there's nothing to say.

While you count the votes of the "big" is the time of young people. As a matter of San Remo wants, the last 50 minutes are all all for them. Just when most are sleeping in front of the screen.
All young people but not for this little-known and especially the parts not at all unusual, but where is the rule that there was the absolute silence on the pieces before the stage of the Ariston dubutto?
Serena Abrami : Marche, a former competitor of XFactor, beautiful and elegant. Sounds fine and delicate tone for a text written by Niccolo Fabi, "Away from it all." Not bad, although I'm biased since I'm a fan of the first hour. I need more plays though. The fact is that with the "package" as well put together could not move the shift. The other
admitted to the next step is Gualazzi Raphael, who is also the Marches. He achieved some notoriety to the sound of jazz, with its rhythms and a highly original talent on the floor that are the envy of the orchestra and the pianist who has bewitched Caterina Caselli that produces it. "Madness of Love" is her song, composed and written by him, allowing him to reach the fellow. The other two contenders are Gabriella Ferrone, fairly anonymous and with a piece inutilino and Anansi, young rasta everything that has led for the first time Ariston reggae rhythms, but that does not involve the jury demoscopichina (ina, ina ).
is not the case spend too many words on the curtain of Paul and Luke, who emulated (Malin) a duo of Ric and Gian, because the same art director during yawning. And since we are Hot, and since we are now third in the evening, via the ass and tits with the Pole dance (to the face of the event last Sunday's women-good!). At least they were not anorexic. And no yawning, especially the jury in pigeon. Other than the songs: all ppe Chiu Pilu! (Cited).
The only good news is that Al Bano and Patty Sanremo, for now, is over. (Al Bano is liberooooooooo!)
And from a careful reading of the hunchback (woe to improvise, you might look too professional!) e una spintarella tra le girls, la nostra squadra di presentatori ci augura la buona notte.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dental Nurse Trainee Letter Of Application

Gaepanzattack: 61 Festival of Italian Song - Primetime

Microfoni fruscianti, urla in sala, errori di regia, goffe inciampate, battute per niente esilaranti, anche gli spot pubblicitari sembrano girati male.
Il 61° Festival della canzone italiana non sembra partire nel migliore dei modi.
Un passaggio del testimone così trash e nazionalpopolare poteva portare solo la firma della Clerici . Sempre agghindata come una bomboniera delle peggiori fatture, si presenta accovacciata sui gradini con in braccio la daughter a few years, confused and disoriented. Explain to the child that "the magic is renewed every year."
His melodramatic touch that makes inroads into the hearts of italianotti fades quickly, as the theme of the festival when you hear a jingle rolling on "A World of Love" of the national Morandone. Then
gymnastics, stunts and acrobatics as if they were ushering in the Olympics.
After the "magic" begins the tragedy.
Gianni impacciatissimo and apparent confusion kicks off the evening. Enter
Luke and Paul (the Hyenas and the House Cafe, for those not familiar). Greetings, thanks and seriousness as if it rains. They are not monsters to the stage, neither is John.
Where is their sympathy, their laughter, perhaps they would be better suited to a post-festival? Worthy of mention, but of praise, a parody of "We will overcome" that turns into "I sputtanerò," and that follows the events of recent months between Fini and Knight. Surely a bit 'risky but sadly today (April 6 is also nominated): If there will be tomorrow night, I guess the reason.
Canalis and Rodriguez : there is nothing else to add?
Worst of all the most apocalyptic predictions: in a disharmonic come, pretending to love each other, hand for hand; and are stuffed with shining eyes, unable to speak (if they had something to say) beautiful, for heaven's sake, but only that, thanks to Gianni pater and greetings to no end, unable to cover the dead space (numerosissimi!) .
The Argentine dance that was to be a sensual tango with an undeserved Anguel Miguel Zotto, Canalis seeks to involve Gianni twist in Pulp Fiction: Uma Thurman and a shameful despicable Travolta (among the dancers on stage were 2 out of 3 Friends, including the much-discussed Valerio Pino). In short, the word contains unnecessary
good concept.
But let's now the undisputed protagonists of the evening: the singers and their songs. Romance? Loved? The level is really low and middle-low-low. Pater and Gianni Mazzi have seen us really focus.

Giusy Ferreri - The immense sea
A mixture between Ligabue Vasco Rossi, a little 'just screamed and scanned the words. This is how the ex-cashier of the song for the occasion in sexy version.

Luca Barbarossa with Raquel Del Rosario - Until the end
Nazionalpopolare, love heart sun, chorus redundant, insufficient duet on the threshold. But a singer is usually due to go to Spain to find it?

Roberto Vecchioni - Call me still love
All in all not so bad. Catchy tunes banalotto text. Perhaps the title and theme clash with its age. Well to emphasize "yet" must add "for short!

Anna Tatangelo - Bastardo
And what do I have to say? The "court" of XFactor, Ms. D'Alessio returns with a painful song, worthy of her and look questionable. B indicates that the back of the Bastard song or Side B of the Neapolitan naturalized? If anything, someone would notice! However, the voice is!

Crush - I confess
Loudness all year 60/70 for dug a duo. Obsolete.

Max Pezzali - My second time
Considering that it was, unfortunately, lead singer of a generation, it is nice to see him. But it's not a pretty sight: fat, old, dressed as a peasant. 883 style song in its entirety, neither more nor less. Classic microphone handle, classic chorus repeated ad infinitum. I have already learned.

Davide Van de Sfroos - Yanez
Sing in the Lombard dialect variant laghée directly from Lake Como. We have the mandate George? Text incomprehensible to non-dialect speakers, but why captivating.

Anna Oxa - My
soul of man is gone now: the best of times there Oxa more. Song is not good idea, pronunciation incomprehensible, clumsy movements. The voice still remains.

Tricarico - 3 Colors
Not bad, not even the artsy young poet who engages in a haunting chant in his own way. Nursery rhyme singing, apparently, the Italian tricolor: the banner of nazionalpopolarità then.

Emma Brown with Fashion -
will come directly from the last edition of Friends comes Emma Brown, with his air of faux-rock, cutting his mock-rock and his voice fake-rock, but Tamarra true. Perfect marriage of his voice and that of Kekko of Fashion. Song is not bad, but already hackneyed.

Luca Madonia with Franco Battiato - The Alien
They, too, I was not disappointed, too. Text slightly retro and enigmatic. Voices reassuring. Serene melody.

Patty Pravo - Wind and Roses
She is now more dead than alive. Do not go to time out of place (the fault of the Botox?) And with clothing that is reminiscent of a French lady of 700, a geisha and the Montalcini. Lyric ugly, as all his last, will soon be forgotten.

Nathalie Giannitrapani - Vivo
Suspended For the last XFactor winner, who has the right to place among the big names in Sanremo (rule absurd: Stefano if he won?) I ancora alcune riserve, ma senza dubbio l’originalità del testo si nota così come la sua voce non consueta e la melodia non scontata. Fine ed elegante.

Al Bano - Amanda è libera
Sinceramente non ho capito il testo di questa canzone, ma non penso nasconda grandi verità. Albano non mi va giù, che devo fa?

Tra un Morandi ansante e i baci e gli abbracci fra i “presentatori” (la squadra, termine così abusato) si conclude la prima serata di quello che non sarà certo ricordato per il Festival degli ascolti record (lo posso dire con certezza sin da ora). Speriamo nelle nuove proposte!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Recovering Mentally From Alcohol


Dear Marathon runners this year with the January issue of the monthly supplement we Run "Maxiclassifica" with all the names and times of the Italian Marathon runners.
We begin by saying that in the standings for the year 2010 shows the results of 33,815 Marathon runners (of which no less than 4324 women) - there is an increase of approximately 5.2% compared to 2009, but the number is higher because there are so many friends due to physical problems are forced to rest.
Some curiosities: a woman has only perrcorso the 42 km in less than 2 hours and 30 minutes, the last year have made this company Maratonete.Flessione 3 in the men's field where they are 58 compared to 66 in 2009.
The best performance of the Italians in 2010:
2:29 ': 12 "achieved by Bruna GENOVESE the Boston Marathon in April;
2:10': 58" achieved by Ruggero Pertile Marathon in November turin.
The situation of members to the main Italian marathon is as follows:
Rome is stable, Florence and Treviso Reggio Emilia lower than in 2009, and increase good Marathon record of Turin - Verona and Venice.
With regard to the presence of Italians abroad to marathons, we have a significant increase in New York, Barcelona and Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam instead loses.
Someone calls them fools, I consider them heroes a bit 'like the Australian Tristan Miller, well, even in Italy we have had runners who have completed over 30 marathons than in 2010.
But I would cite the number of races run by some friends I have made this year in the company around Italy:
Michele CALABRESE n.15 maratone;
Massimo FALEO n.17 maratone;
Franco GIANDOLFI n.4 maratone;
Pasquale GIULIANI n.13 maratone;
Antonio RICCUCCI n.10 maratone;
Francesco CASSAVIA n.11 maratone;
Marianna SOLLAZZO n.7 maratone;
Antonella IOCOLA n.6 maratone.
Carissimi vi auguro di ripetere tale successo anche per l'anno 2011.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Connecting A Through Switch To A Table Lamp

Field School Athletics - Power

Il Comitato Campo Scuola “Macchia Romana” di Potenza è stato ricevuto ieri 1° Febbraio 2011 dall’Assessore allo Sport del Comune di Potenza.
Alcuni rappresentanti del Comitato hanno chiesto all’Assessore Ginefra la necessità di rilanciare al più presto l’impianto sportivo Campo Scuola che da alcuni mesi ha pesantemente ridotto l’orario di apertura.
Questa situazione di incertezza è dovuta principalmente alla situazione economica che l’Assessorato si trova ad affrontare giornalmente per la gestione degli impianti sportivi in città.
Bisogna cambiare rotta , dice l’Assessore, al più presto verrà emanato un bando che consentirà alla prossima gestione di rilanciare l’impianto di Macchia Romana attraverso una maggiore offerta di servizi e attrattive.
Oltre 300 firme di Atleti e Cittadini sono state Alderman Sports delivered to demonstrating the importance covered by this facility in the city of Potenza.
There is the lighting system, which cost several thousand Euros, never became operational.
The Committee, through spokesman Antonio LEOPARDI BAR, Pantaleo Chiriaco and Gerardo CASALETTO and all users of the athletics track of the Field School expect an immediate response.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ow To Build A Rabbit Cage

I Should Have Known Better

Annoto gli spettacoli del cinema e non ci I go, sign the theater evenings in the promotion and I forget; piles of books to start; whole film to see; exams to prepare for, sent!
What's happen?
The artist block

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kates Playground Gallery 2009

Half Marathon City of Power - March 6, 2011

Association Borgo Antico Porta Salza told us that they are open for the Half Marathon City of Power - below the details of the event.
For more details go to the link

Lower Left Back Burning

traffic warden Marathon - Curiosity

RUN AWAY BUT HIGH traffic warden Marathon chase him and LOCK

'happened about 20 days ago in Modena and a man' fled the altar
ordered by a municipal police patrol, but did
accounts trained with the lungs of a traffic warden, 38, who
had even attended the last New York Marathon:
the end of a chase the boy, Albanian 18,
has had to surrender to the resistance of the agent.

E 'success in recent days via Bellaria. Car, an Opel Corsa
black, with two guys on board and not 'stop the altar
conducted by a patrol of the city council. It 'started so
' first car chase, which ended in
Via Della Pietra. Li 'Opel and the' stop, the two young men tried to escape
running. Strengthened by their age ',
zigzagging along the roads, were able initially to take advantage over
Agents, but then' the training of the traffic warden had the upper hand
. The two, given the tenacity of the police officer, have tried so
to hide in a yard. And right there, '
EK, Albanian regular and' have been identified.

The boy, who then gave investigators the name of '
friend managed to escape, and'
been charged with driving without a license, possession of false assurance and strength.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Do Light Fittings Need To Be Earthed?

Marathon Foggia

Earlier this year I read the Gazzetta dello Sport an article written by Michael Marescalchi talking about the decline of participants in marathons, a phenomenon mainly due the economic situation of the moment.
In contrast, the Globe Runners Foggia, "After Work rail" con il patrocinio della Città di Foggia e del Comitato Provinciale della Federazione di Atletica Leggera hanno organizzato la 1° Maratona Città di Foggia.
La manifestazione e stata dedicata ai 150 anni dell'Unità d'Italia e a Felice Palladino, un giovane imprenditore e appassionato di sport di Montecalvo Irpino (Avellino), scomparso nell'agosto di due anni fa.
Sono centoquindici gli iscritti alla maratona; in duecento, invece, hanno preso parte alla corsa non competitiva (14 km). Stesso percorso, ma numero di giri diversi, sei per la maratona, due per l'altra gara, con partenza e arrivo nel campo scuola “Mondelli”.

Over 300 runners participated despite the cold wind with two races planned for the occasion - a pity for some organizational mistakes, caused by the absence of unexpected judges, this has not compromised to achieve the main goal of passing along a great day of sports and real socialization.

Organizer Massimo FALE, generous as ever, even in this case to give up wearing shoes runner has made the most of the suggestions of disgruntled runners - Maximus, who run forever, does not need many tips, its soles of the feet have played more than 250 marathons, there is no Sunday that is not around to discover new and Running exciting races.

We come to the event, race in the men's 14 km in the first place is for Nicola Bove, for women it says Annamaria Gusmao. The marathon field
mascile statement Francesco Dibenedetto (Athletes Ofanto Valley), runner-up Michele Giuliani (Libertas of San Giovanni Rotondo), third Viscanti Onofrio (Happy Runners Altamura).
For women in the first and second place respectively, are classified and Marie Antoinette Sollazzo Iocola (Runners Glober Foggia), third Anna Maria Brunetti (Avis Mola).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

(brampton On Student Jobs)

6 Hours of the Templars - Third Edition - Gabriele Mazzoccoli

6 Hours Templar - Memorial Vito Frangione: a third edition more authentic, more disruptive, more rhythmic, more flavorful, more sweat, more Luke!

With the dissemination of the project event, is given today off the official countdown towards the third edition of the Templar 6 Hours - Memorial Vito Frangione, the ultramarathon / marathon to be held in Banzi (PZ) on 7 May.

The main objective for 2011, given to strengthening the formula of "Feast of All" through a coherent program, the most popular initiatives, and together renewed in some parts. All this will be possible with the support of the City of Banzi, the Pro Loco "Friends of Ursone" and many volunteers who will join the hard core of ASD Genzano on the Road in the coming months.

In the best traditions, will begin as early as the evening of Friday, May 6, proposing ll relives Borgo, pasta party in costume, in the last year has been very popular among athletes and leaders, uniting the student spirit of conviviality of the typical 'local food and wine. The day of the May 7, however, will have as its central moment of the sporting contest itself, without neglecting the boundary dedicated to children e ragazzi, e l’intrattenimento pensato per alleviare le fatiche di chi corre, come anche per divertire chi resterà a guardare. E se l’anno scorso questo contesto ha coinvolto ben sei comuni lucani, la novità di quest’anno è La Piazza in Festa, un’iniziativa dedicata alle musiche e alle danze di tanti gruppi folkloristici locali, che sceglieranno il centro e le strade di Banzi come scenario ideale per dare sfogo alla più coinvolgente espressività.

Sarà, insomma, una terza edizione volutamente approfondita nelle specificità, e dunque ancora più autentica, più dirompente, più ritmata, più saporita, più sudata, più lucana, una immersione in un Sud allegro and popular audience that will be the ingredients most commonly shared by all who decide to join the party: the love for the sport and the desire to stay together in a genuine way.

To them, the organizers will pay a very typical goody bag, three pasta-free parties, special prices with the facilities, quality of infrastructure and, above all, hospitality and human warmth.

In order to ensure this, the upper limit of entries is set at 200 participants. All information and updates are available on the blog of the event