Monday, January 12, 2009

Acrostic Poem For The Word Islam

Mostra Neoimpressionisti a Milano

WHERE: Palazzo Reale in Milan
WHEN: from 10 October 2008 to January 25, 2009

The exhibition dedicated to
Neoimpressinisti you can visit the Palazzo Reale in Milan from 10 October 2008-25 January 2009 and is a unique event for lovers of 'art.

A cura della studiosa francese Marina Ferretti Bocquillon, s’incentra sulle figure di Georges Seurat e Paul Signac. Nell' esposizione si possono ammirare dipinti ampiamente conosciuti provenienti dai più famosi musei del mondo (tra cui il Metropolitan, il Guggenheim Museum di New York e il Musée d'Orsay di Parigi) ed è pensata per far scoprire a tutti, queste due personalità artistiche, che ebbero un ruolo fondamentale nello sviluppo del Neoimpressionismo (movimento che si diffuse rapidamente sia in Francia che in Belgio).

La mostra è divisa in sette in sette sezioni che colloca le opere nel loro contesto storico e offre agli spettatori una esposizione cronologica che consente di seguire l’ evoluzione della artistic movement of Neo-Impressionism. Present also works prefuturiste and Italian Division (including works by Russolo, Longoni, Balla, PREV).
In the first part of the route there are paintings by "Neo-Impressionism of Seurat and Signac before" and exhibit their paintings at the previous meeting.
Despite their differences, the two artists became friends in 1884, are very similar in color, in modern and avant-garde research.
followed, then, works that trace the evolution of Neo-Impressionism from Seurat and Signac's early work on the 'Ile de la Grande Jatte "around 1884-86 until you get to 1910 with the release of the European movement thanks to the works of the early Neo-Impressionists such as Camille and Lucien Pissarro to Théo Van Rysselberghe, Maximilien Luce and Jan Toorop, Henri-Edmond Cross and the Italian Neo-Impressionists such Longoni, Previati and Russolo.

to know
When: from 10 October 2008 to January 25, 2009
Where: in Milan at Palazzo Reale
Hours: Wednesday , Friday, Saturday and Sunday : 9.30 to 19.30.
Monday : 14.30 - 19.30. Tuesday and Thursday : 9.30 - 22.30 - The Ticket closes an hour earlier.


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