Friday, April 9, 2010

E46 Handbrake Gaiter Change

I, you, he, I, I, I .....

Non riesco a togliermi dalla testa questa teoria della confederazione delle anime, di derivazione francese. Questi medici-filosofi che l’hanno elaborata credevano appunto nella presenza non di una sola anima ma di una confederazione, guidata a turno da un Io egemone, più forte, più dirompente, che riuscisse a prendere il sopravvento sugli altri. Tanti Io, tante anime, a volte più forti da prevalere, altre times weaker than to succumb. Speech that perhaps can not appeal to a Catholic believer, because they (we) believe in the presence of a single soul, sometimes called conscience would dictate her actions and behaviors. Approaching to this theory of confederation could be accused of heresy, but perhaps the problem vanishes when we substitute the term to the term soul personality, how they want the doctor-French philosophers. Each of us, you know, has different personalities, it is doubled or tripled or more. But then it will revert to the problem of not being themselves, mask wearer, or maybe you just accept the impossibility of a being one and only, ma per forza modellabile e malleabile a contatto con cose o persone differenti. Mah …. Forse non siamo così intelligenti come crediamo (noi uomini, intendo!); forse siamo esseri molto più deboli rispetto al mito dell’uomo che ci siamo forgiati negli anni. Se siamo così malleabili, plasmabili, duttili, forse poi non siamo così diversi dagli altri animali.
Mi sovvengono delle reminiscenze di un esame di filosofia della mente che feci qualche anno fa, in cui si trattava l’argomento del dualismo mente-corpo (perché in effetti non possiamo dire con sicurezza che sia l’anima a darci impulsi per i nostri comportamenti e le nostre azioni, e non il cervello, la mente. Alcune popolazioni africane, mi pare, even when they say "I think ..." or "I do not remember ..." do not touch the head as we in the West, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach / liver, because they consider the essence of thinking / who command is located just there!) . The philosopher and scholar Ryle argued precisely the impossibility of this mind-body dualism contained in a single entity for him and thinking the same agent at the same time. But those are other stories, to which one can not believe how ... and live the same. Maybe even better. I am sure of one thing that people meet and the situations that they live, so essential, mark us, change us, mold us, make us become other people, if not completely different but certainly corroborated by another I, another nuance of personality, that was totally unknown. He was right back to Pirandello, and I will continue to do so, I say that surely we can all be one, none and a hundred thousand at a time. And I focus primarily on one hundred thousand.


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