Tuesday, January 11, 2011

(brampton On Student Jobs)

6 Hours of the Templars - Third Edition - Gabriele Mazzoccoli

6 Hours Templar - Memorial Vito Frangione: a third edition more authentic, more disruptive, more rhythmic, more flavorful, more sweat, more Luke!

With the dissemination of the project event, is given today off the official countdown towards the third edition of the Templar 6 Hours - Memorial Vito Frangione, the ultramarathon / marathon to be held in Banzi (PZ) on 7 May.

The main objective for 2011, given to strengthening the formula of "Feast of All" through a coherent program, the most popular initiatives, and together renewed in some parts. All this will be possible with the support of the City of Banzi, the Pro Loco "Friends of Ursone" and many volunteers who will join the hard core of ASD Genzano on the Road in the coming months.

In the best traditions, will begin as early as the evening of Friday, May 6, proposing ll relives Borgo, pasta party in costume, in the last year has been very popular among athletes and leaders, uniting the student spirit of conviviality of the typical 'local food and wine. The day of the May 7, however, will have as its central moment of the sporting contest itself, without neglecting the boundary dedicated to children e ragazzi, e l’intrattenimento pensato per alleviare le fatiche di chi corre, come anche per divertire chi resterà a guardare. E se l’anno scorso questo contesto ha coinvolto ben sei comuni lucani, la novità di quest’anno è La Piazza in Festa, un’iniziativa dedicata alle musiche e alle danze di tanti gruppi folkloristici locali, che sceglieranno il centro e le strade di Banzi come scenario ideale per dare sfogo alla più coinvolgente espressività.

Sarà, insomma, una terza edizione volutamente approfondita nelle specificità, e dunque ancora più autentica, più dirompente, più ritmata, più saporita, più sudata, più lucana, una immersione in un Sud allegro and popular audience that will be the ingredients most commonly shared by all who decide to join the party: the love for the sport and the desire to stay together in a genuine way.

To them, the organizers will pay a very typical goody bag, three pasta-free parties, special prices with the facilities, quality of infrastructure and, above all, hospitality and human warmth.

In order to ensure this, the upper limit of entries is set at 200 participants. All information and updates are available on the blog of the event


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