Friday, October 8, 2010

What Does K2 Mean In Knitting

The sweetness in her eyes, the tenderness in her smile. A child afraid and shy, scared of showing their feelings. But his eyes deceive him, win fears and doubts. The light that emanates is too intense to be unnoticed by those eye drops the veil of sadness in her cheeks, pouring heavy on his face, are connected to the past, a sad past that can not be forgotten. Pain never exceeded, new emotions, never try, seize the unprepared. Do not learn to manage them, should try them first on his skin, with a high chance to miss and fail in the vast sea of \u200b\u200bwrong choices. Find solace in the melodious voice of Eva Cassidy's Songbird on the notes, more tears bathe a pillow already too full of thoughts that wrapping like autumn leaves. Wonderful opportunities and fearful expectations, unbearable noise and then sound sweet.


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